Learning Data Structures - Arrays

Image credit: AltumCode

Array is a data structure used to store a fix number of elements and these elements should be of the same type. In Go we create and use arrays as follows:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
  // we are creating an array that should store 3 elements
  var a [3]int

  // In Go, by default, an array is zero-value which means 
  // that when is created an array of int type and it's not initialized, 
  // all array positions are filled with 0s.
  fmt.Println("array elements:", a)

  // Set a value at specific index
  a[1] = 5

  fmt.Println("array element set:", a)
  fmt.Println("array at index 1:", a[1])

  // length of array
  fmt.Println("array length: ", len(a))

  // traversing the array
  fmt.Println("Traversing array: ")
  for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
    fmt.Print(a[i], " ")

This is a short explanation about arrays. Next time, I’ll discuss about Linked List.

Thanks a lot.

Software Developer
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